Articles in Refereed Journals
- Schuberth, Florian; Schamberger, Tamara; Kemény, Ildikó; Henseler, Jörg (accepted). The sum score model: Specifying and testing equally weighted composites using structural equation modeling. Psychometrika. Supplementary material
- Bogaert, Jasper; Loh, Wen Wei; Schuberth Florian; Rosseel, Yves (accepted). The effect of measurement error on hypothesis testing in small sample structural equation modeling: A comparison of various estimation approaches. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (accepted). Should PLS become factor-based or should CB-SEM become composite-based? Both! European Journal of Information Systems.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian; Lee, Nick; Kemény, Ildikó (accepted). Why researchers should be cautious about using PLS-SEM. Industrial Marketing Management.
- Xi, Yu; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2025). A Flexible Way to Study Composites in Ecology Using Structural Equation Modeling. Scientific Reports, 15(4597).; Supplementary material
- Schuberth, Florian; Schamberger, Tamara; Henseler, Jörg (2024). More powerful parameter tests? No, rather biased parameter estimates. Some reflections on path analysis with weighted composites. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 4205–4215.
- Alamer, Abdullah; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2024). When and how to use confirmatory composite analysis in second language research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46(2), 597-616.
- Müller, Tobias; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2024). Categorizing Behavioral and Formed Concepts in Sports Marketing Research. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 25(2), 310-329.
- Castillo, Ana; Ruiz, Laura; Benitez, José; Schuberth, Florian; Reina, Rafael (2023). IT impact on open innovation performance: Insights from a large-scale empirical investigation. Decision Support Systems, 175(114025), 1-9.
- Benitez-Avila, Camilo Andres; Schuberth, Florian; Copeland, Samantha (2023). Mastery and social position – factors in negotiating urban social resilience. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-13.
- Schuberth, Florian; Schamberger, Tamara; Rönkkö, Mikko; Yide Liu; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Premature conclusions about the signal-to-noise ratio in structural equation modeling research: A commentary on Yuan and Fang (2023). British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 76(3), 682-694.; Supplementary Material
- Schuberth, Florian (2023). The Henseler-Ogasawara specification of composites in structural equation modeling: A tutorial. Psychological Methods, 28(4), 843-859.; Supplementary Material; Quantitude Podcast Episode
- Yu, Xi; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Specifying composites in structural equation modeling: A refinement of the Henseler-Ogasawara specification. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 16(4), 348-357.
- Schuberth, Florian; Zaza, Sam; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Partial least squares is an estimator for structural equation models: A comment on Evermann and Rönkkö (2021). Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52, 711-714.
- Schuberth, Florian; Hubona, Geoffrey; Roemer, Ellen; Zaza, Sam; Schamberger, Tamara; Chuah, Francis; Cepeda-Carrión, Gabriel; Henseler, Jörg (2023). The choice of structural equation modeling technique matters: A commentary on Dash and Paul (2021). Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 194, 122665. Supplementary Material
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (2023). Partial least squares as a tool for scientific inquiry: Comments on Cadogan and Lee. European Journal of Marketing, 57(6), 1737-1757.
- Schuberth, Florian; Rademaker, Manuel; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Assessing the overall fit of composite models estimated by partial least squares path modeling. European Journal of Marketing, 57(6), 1678-1702.
- Schuberth, Florian; Rosseel, Yves; Rönkkö Mikko; Trinchera, Laura; Kline, Rex B.; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Structural parameters under partial least squares and covariance-based structural equation modeling: A comment on Yuan and Deng (2021). Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30(3), 339-345.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2023). Confirmatory composite analysis in human development research. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47(1), 89-100.
- Müller, Tobias; Schuberth, Florian; Bergsiek, Micha; Henseler, Jörg (2022). How can the transition from office to telework be managed? The impact of tasks and workplace suitability on collaboration and work performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:987530.
- Abbas, Yawar; Martinetti, Alberto; Rajabalinejad, Mohammad; Schuberth, Florian; van Dongen, Leonardus Adriana Maria (2022). Facilitating digital collaboration through knowledge management: A case study. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 20(6), 797-813.
- Liu, Yuqing; Schuberth, Florian; Yide, Liu; Henseler, Jörg (2022). Modeling and assessing forged concepts in tourism and hospitality using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research, 152, 221-230.
- Klesel, Michael; Schuberth, Florian; Niehaves, Bjoern; Henseler, Jörg (2022). Multigroup analysis in information systems research using PLS-PM: A systematic investigation of approaches. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 53(3), 26-48.
- Yu, Xi; Zaza, Sam; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2021). Counterpoint: Representing forged concepts as emergent variables using composite-based structural equation modeling. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 52(SI), 114-130.
- Roemer, Ellen; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2021). HTMT2 – An improved criterion for assessing discriminant validity in structural equation modeling. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(21), 2637-2650.
- Hubona, Geoffrey; Schuberth Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2021). A clarification of Confirmatory Composite Analysis (CCA). International Journal of Information Management, 61, 102399. (among the top 10 articles receiving social media attention in 2021 out of all papers published in the history of IJIM)
- Schuberth, Florian (2021). Confirmatory composite analysis using partial least squares: Setting the record straight. Review of Managerial Science, 15(5), 1311-1345.
- Okazaki, Shintaro; Schuberth, Florian; Tagashira, Takumi; Guimaraes Andrade, Victoria (2021). Sneaking the dark side of brand engagement into Instagram: The dual theory of passion. Journal of Business Research, 130, 493-505.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (2020). Using confirmatory composite analysis to assess emergent variables in business research. Journal of Business Research, 120, 147-156.
- Schuberth, Florian; Rademaker, Manuel E.; Henseler, Jörg (2020). Estimating and assessing second-order constructs using PLS-PM: the case of composites of composites. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(12), 2211-2241. accepted version
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2020). Robust partial least squares path modeling. Behaviormetrika, 47, 307-334.
- Benitez, José; Henseler, Jörg; Castillo, Ana; Schuberth, Florian (2020). How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research. Information & Management, 57(2), 103168.
- Rasoolimanesh, Mostafa S.; Noor, Shuhaida Md; Schuberth, Florian; Jaafar, Mastura (2019). Investigating the Effects of Tourist Engagement on Satisfaction and Loyalty. The Service Industries Journal, 39(7-8), 559-574.
- Rademaker, Manuel E.; Schuberth, Florian; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2019). Measurement error correlation within blocks of indicators in consistent partial least squares: Issues and remedies. Internet Research, 29(3), 448-463.
- Klesel, Michael; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Niehaves, Björn (2019). A test for multigroup comparison in partial least squares path modeling. Internet Research, 29(3), 464-477.
- Salazar-Ordóñez, Melania; Schuberth, Florian; Cabrera, Elena; Arriaza, Manuel; Rodríguez-Entrena, Macario (2018). The effects of person-related and environmental factors on consumers‘ decision-making in agri-food markets: the case of olive oils. Food Research International, 112, 412-424.
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2018). Confirmatory Composite Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(2541).
- Müller, Tobias; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2018). PLS path modeling – a confirmatory approach to study tourism technology and tourist behavior. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 9(3), 249-266.
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2018). Partial least path modeling using ordinal categorical indicators. Quality & Quantity, 52(1), 9-35.
- Rodríguez-Entrena, Macario; Schuberth, Florian; Gelhard, Carsten (2018). Assessing statistical differences between parameter estimates in Partial Least Squares path modeling. Quality & Quantity, 52(1), 57-69.
Book Chapters
- Schamberger, Tamara; Cantaluppi, Gabriele; Schuberth, Florian (2023). Revisiting and Extending PLS for Ordinal Measurement and Prediction. In Latan, Hengky; Hair, Joseph F.; Noonan, Richard (Eds.), Partial Least Squares Path Modeling – Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications (2nd edition), Springer Nature, 155-182. Supplementary Material
- Schuberth, Florian; Müller, Tobias; Henseler, Jörg (2021). Which equations? An inquiry into the equations in partial least squares structural equation modeling. In: Kemény, Ildikó; Kun, Zsuzsanna (Eds.), New Perspectives in Serving Customers, Patients, and Organizations: A Festschrift for Judit Simon. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest, 96-115.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (2021). Confirmatory composite analysis. In: Henseler, Jörg (Ed.), Composite-based structural equation modeling: Analyzing Latent and Emergent Variables. New York, London: Guilford Press, 179-201. Link
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (2021). Auxiliary Theories. In: Henseler, Jörg (Ed.), Composite-based structural equation modeling: Analyzing Latent and Emergent Variables. New York, London: Guilford Press, 25-37. Link
- Cantaluppi, Gabriele; Schuberth, Florian (2019). A prediction method for ordinal consistent partial least squares. In: Arbia, Giuseppe; Peluso, Stefano; Pini, Alessia; Rivellini, Giulia (Eds.), Smart Statistics for Smart Applications – Book of Short Papers SIS2019. Pearson.
- Henseler, Jörg; Müller, Tobias; Schuberth, Florian (2018). New guidelines for the use of PLS path modeling in hospitality, travel and tourism research. In: Ali, Faizan.; Rasoolimanesh, S. Mostafa; Cobanoglu, Cihan (Eds.), Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Bingley: Emerald, 17-33.
- Schuberth, Florian; Cantaluppi, Gabriele (2017). Ordinal consistent partial least squares. In: Latan, Hengky; Noonan, Richard (Eds.), Partial Least Squares Path Modeling Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 109-150.
- Schuberth, Florian (2019). Composite-based Methods in Structural Equation Modeling, University of Würzburg.
Working Papers
- Öztürk, Zafer; Plomp, Esther; Schuberth, Florian; Sunami, Nami; Yankelevich, Tanya (2024). Recognising Open Science practices in higher education staff assessment.
- Schuberth, Florian; Büchner, Rebecca; Schermelleh-Engel, Karin; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2017). Polynomial factor models: non-iterative estimation via method-of-moments.
- Höhn, Balthasar; Schuberth, Florian; Steiner, Manuel (2014). Dealing with Heteroskedasticity, Autocorrelation and Endogeneity in German Audit Fee Panel Data – Comparing Approaches.
Conference Presentations
- Trinchera, Laura; Pietropolli, Gloria; Castelli, Mauro; Schuberth, Florian. Automated Specification Search for Composite-Based SEM. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Chemnitz, Germany, March 19-21, 2025.
- Fuchs, Emily; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. Specifying and testing differences between variables in structural equation modeling using the H-O specification. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Chemnitz, Germany, March 19-21, 2025.
- Berger, Jason John; Kukuk, Martin; Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian. Using the delta-method for calculating the SE in PLS-PM. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Chemnitz, Germany, March 19-21, 2025.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian; Xi, Yu; Schamberger, Tamara; Hancock, Gregory J.. Novel approaches to incorporate composites in structural equation modeling. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Chemnitz, Germany, March 19-21, 2025.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. The measured latent method construct approach to control for common method variance. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Chemnitz, Germany, March 19-21, 2025.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. The measured latent method construct approach to control for common method variance. 7th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat
2025). Berlin, Germany, March 24 – 28, 2025.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Rosseel, Yves; Henseler, Jörg. A maximum likelihood estimator for composite models. 17th German Probability and Statistics Days 2025 (GPSD 2025). Dresden, Germany, March 11 – 14, 2025.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Rosseel, Yves; Henseler, Jörg. A maximum likelihood estimator for composite models. 18th International Joint Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics and Computational and
Methodological Statistics (CFE-CMStatistics 2024). London, United Kingdom, December 14 – 16, 2024.
- Trinchera, Laura; Pietropolli, Gloria; Castelli; Mauro; Schuberth, Florian. Automated Paths Detection in Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling. 24th Annual Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). Leuven, Belgium, September 15-19, 2024.
- Schuberth, Florian. A new approach for specifying composites in structural equation models: The Henseler-Ogasawara specification. EAM2023, 10th Congress of Methodology. Ghent, Belgium, July 10-13, 2023. Slides
- Yu, Xi; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. Specifying composites in growth curve analysis. Advanced Techniques for Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science, Bielefeld, Germany, March 15-17, 2023.
- Yu, Xi; Fassott, Georg; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. A new approach for modeling aggregate constructs. Structural Equation Modeling: New Developments and Applications, Tilburg, Netherlands, March 9-11, 2022.
- Schuberth, Florian. Specifying composites in structural equation modeling: the Henseler-Ogasawara specification. 13-th Scientific Meeting Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2021), Firenze, Italy (online), September 9-11, 2021. Slides
- Yu, Xi; Kristal, Samuel; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. Customers as advocates in times of brand crises: Why, when and how? EMAC 2021 – The 50th Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain (online), May 25-28, 2021.
- Schamberger, Tamara; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg. Maximum likelihood estimator For composite models. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Vienna, Austria (online), March 18-19, 2021.
- Cantaluppi, Gabriele; Schuberth, Florian (2019) A Prediction Method for Ordinal Consistent Partial Least Squares. SIS 2019 – Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Milan, Italy. June 19. Slides
- Schuberth, Florian (2019) Auxiliary theory for concepts of design research using emergent variables. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Tübingen, Germany. February/March 27 – 1.
- Rademaker, Manuel E.; Schuberth, Florian (2019) cSEM: A package for composite-based SEM. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Tübingen, Germany. February/March 27 – 1. Slides
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg (2018) Testing design-oriented auxiliary theories using PLS-PM, 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2018), Iasi, Romania, August 28-31.
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2018) Confirmatory Composite Analysis. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 15-16. Slides
- Benitez, José; Castillo, Ana; Schuberth, Florian (2017). A theory on the role of information technology in value creation from open innovation. 8th Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute, Granada, Spain, May/June 29 – 1.
- Schuberth, Florian; Büchner, Rebecca; Schermelleh-Engel, Karin; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2017). Polynomial factor models: non-iterative estimation via method-of-moments. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Ghent, Belgium, March 16-17. Slides
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2016). Partial least squares path modeling using ordinal categorical indicators. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Zurich, Suisse, April 7-8. Slides
Invited Talks
- Schuberth, Florian (2024). Partial least suqares path modeling & the Henseler-Ogasawara specification as an alternative, Research Seminar (Host: Hans Fehr), University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, June, 25.
- Schuberth, Florian (2024). A novel approach to specifying and testing formative constructs in structural equation modeling, Research Seminar (Host: Laura Trinchera), NEOMA Business School, Rouen, France, April, 25.
- Henseler, Jörg; Schuberth, Florian (2023). Structural equation modeling: What is it? What can it do for us? Danone Nutricia Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November, 9.
- Schuberth, Florian (2023). Open science & our community in Twente, Doctoral Seminar (Host: Jörg Henseler), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, March 31.
- Schuberth, Florian (2022). Partial least squares path modeling – Developments and experiences, Research Seminar (Host: Yves Rosseel), University of Ghent, Belgium, June 3.
- Schuberth, Florian (2022). Partial least squares path modeling, Research Seminar (Host: Steffen Zitzmann), University of Tübingen, Germany, April 22.
- Schuberth, Florian (2021). Confirmatory composite analysis YoungStatS webinar (Host: YoungStatS) online, May 19. Video Slides
- Schuberth, Florian (2020). Confirmatory composite analysis: What is it & how is it applied? YouTube webinar (Host: Faizan Ali) online, October 9. Video, Slides.
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2019). Confirmatory Composite Analysis, Research Seminar (Host: Giorgio Russolillo), CNAM, France, June 18. Slides
- Schuberth, Florian; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2019). Polynomial factor models: non-iterative estimation via method-of-moments and Croon’s method, Research Seminar (Host: Yves Rosseel), University of Ghent, Belgium, February 7. Slides
- Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg; Dijkstra, Theo K. (2018). Confirmatory Composite Analysis, Research Seminar (Host: Marko Sarstedt), University of Magdeburg, Germany, November 1. Slides
- Composite Models in Mplus, On-demand course for Quantfish platform, online.
- Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, Budapest, Hungary, 18.04/19.04.2023.
- Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, Pecs, Hungary, 17.04.2023.
- PLS-SEM using ADANCO and cSEM, Macao, China (online), 6-days workshop 14.02-07.03.2022.
- New Developments in PLS Path Modeling: Advanced Course, Enschede, The Netherlands, 06/07.02.2020.
- Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Introduction and Application, Enschede, The Netherlands, 12/13.12.2019.
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